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Your Partners for Endocrine Health

New Patients

As part of your first visit, we ask that you complete our patient welcome packet which includes general registration forms and consents.  It also provides you with a map to the practice you will be visiting and helps you understand our policies.  If you were referred to our practice, you should be receiving our welcome packet in the mail.  However, we have also provided them below as a downloadable file (PDF) for your convenience.  Be sure to download the packet that coincides with the practice location you will be visiting by clicking on the appropriate link below.



New patients must also complete one of the following healthcare questionnaires depending upon the reason for their visit:


If you are a diabetic patient, please complete the following questionnaire and bring with you to your visit:

​Diabetic Health Questionnaire


All other patients, please complete the following questionnaire and bring with you to your visit:

​General Health Questionnaire


​Returning Patients

​Once you have been established as a patient, we ask that you kindly update your information on an annual basis to ensure that we can accurately bill your insurance and accommodate any other specific requests.  If it has been over a year since you last updated our registration materials, you will be asked by our front desk clerks to complete a shortened version of our registration packet.  We have made this packet available below as a downloadable file (PDF) for those that want to complete this in advance.  You only need to complete this packet if it has been more than a year since you last updated these forms.  Just click on the link below to download.


If you have specific questions regarding our participation in a particular insurance plan;

you can check here; or contact our office at 865-637-8812.

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